Monday 2 March 2009

Coming up in August - a 2-day course on primary directions with Martin Gansten

We have recently started to circulate news about the next ‘9th house’ event that is being organised at Nottingham. This is going to be a weekend course on Primary Directions, run by Primary Directions expert Martin Gansten (his book on the subject is due to be published by Wessex Astrologer sometime in 2009). The following is from the ‘blurb’ on the flier:

“The technique known today as primary directions is one of the most ancient and renowned methods of astrological forecasting, and one of the most powerful. From classical antiquity throughout the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and into the 20th century, all the great names of western astrology have worked with primary directions. It was the predictive technique of Dorotheus and Ptolemy, of Masha-allah and Abu MaShar, of Regiomontanus and Placidus, of Morin de Villefranche and William Lilly. Putting it simply: to understand the Old Masters of astrology, we must understand primary directions.”

Unfortunately, many modern astrology students “freeze” when they think that their maths might not be good enough for them to be able to calculate and use primary directions. I want to emphasise that is exactly the reason why we have organised this course. Don’t worry if you have had a problem with primary directions before, Martin will go through the technique from the beginning, and he will be able to SHOW how the technique works using practical examples that we will all be able to follow. A subject like this is not complicated if it is correctly demonstrated, but having the opportunity for practical examples and being able to raise questions as the technique is learnt is what makes this event so unique and so valuable.

For more information go the page on this event at